
We build seating charts tailored to your needs, and you can easily customize it to block out seats. Our customers also use the seating chart as an exhibitor map where partners and exhibitors can choose their preferred locations when registering.

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Order a seating chart for your event

This is how you enter the seating chart at your event

Settings for your seat map

Order a seating chart for your event

To order a seating map for your event, please fill out the order form.


  • Seating Chart: 7500 NOK excl. VAT.

  • Additional Seating Chart: 5000 NOK excl. VAT.

Price may vary based on size and complexity. Price is always clarified in advance of delivery.

We do not supply a detailed area map (roads, signs etc.), but a simplified overview of the hall/area with seats/places. You can find examples later in this article.

Please be mindful of the delivery timeline when planning the publication date of your event and the start of ticket sales. The estimated delivery time for the seating chart is approximately 4 weeks.


This is how you enter the seating chart at your event

Once your Checkin account manager informs you that the seating chart is ready, it will be added to your customer account. You can start setting up your event even if you haven't received the chart yet, but remember to respond to the seating chart question in the initial setup.


Note: It is not possible to add a seating chart to an event if tickets have already been sold. This must be done before the first sale is made, so be sure to include the feature "Seatmap" in the "Initial Setup." Therefore, we recommend waiting to publish your event until the seating chart is in place.


1. Add the seating chart function by answering "yes" to the seating chart question in the "Initial Setup."

Seatmap initial setup

2. This will then enable the "Seatmap" tool in the left menu bar. Click on "Seatmap."

3. Select the desired seating chart. It is only possible to have one seating chart per event, but you can have multiple charts linked to a customer account. Note that this option is not available until you are informed that it's ready.

Add seatmap


4. The seating chart will be displayed, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments using the options available in the right-hand margin.

This is how a hall map or exhibition map can look like:

Seatmap exsample




5. To enable seat reservations, add the seating chart and specify which tickets should have this feature. Access the ticket section in the setup and click on the pencil icon to edit. Activate "Seat Reservation" for the tickets where the seatmap should be enabled.


Check seat reservations if you want to offer this to your parcitipants


Choose whether you want numbered or unnumbered seats. Once you've made this selection, it will be possible to choose a seat from the chart during registration/ticket purchase.


Settings for your seat map

In the setup under "seat map" you will find different settings depending on the type of map you are using. If you have several price groups or fields, relevant settings will be available for customization. 

If your map has several price groups, you will be given the opportunity to choose which price group should be available. In addition, you can adjust VAT and change prices for the various price groups as required.


Price group


If your seating chart includes multiple sections, you can choose which sections will be displayed and which ones will remain hidden. Additionally, you have the flexibility to make sections visible later on, even after ticket sales have commenced. This feature is particularly useful if you wish to focus on filling specific areas before opening up registration for additional sections.


Fields seatmap


To block individual seats without concealing the entire section, simply click on the designated seat within the layout. Once blocked, the seat will be displayed in white. For the simultaneous blocking of multiple seats, hold down the "shift" key while dragging the pointer across the desired seats.