Participant Cancellation

If you need to cancel one or more participants in a booking, we'll show you how to do it in this article.

Cancelling the Entire Booking (all participants in one booking)

If everything in the booking needs to be canceled, click on the "Cancel" button at the top among the participants and choose how/if the amount should be refunded.



You'll find a range of options:


cancellation options


Explanation of terms:

  • If you wish to retain the entire purchase amount, select "No refund." This means the customer keeps their purchase claim and no amount is refunded.
  • If you wish to refund the amount but include a cancellation fee (which must be set up in the "Terms and conditions" section), select "Cancellation fee."
  • If you want to cancel someone without retaining any part of the amount, select "Cancel without fee."


Please read carefully before making a choice, as this cannot be changed later.



Cancel a Single Participant

If it concerns one or more participants in a larger booking, you must click on the "Action" button for the relevant participants and select the "Cancel ticket" button there.



NOTE: If the customer has paid and the amount needs to be refunded, send an updated invoice/credit note and select "Refund credit balance."